In 1979 I purchased my first Rhodesian Ridgeback.I named her Lady Critter. She was, I came to learn, a “Back Yard Bred” dog. I knew nothing about purebred dogs, I loved her and trained her. I was advised by my obedience trainer to show her in an AKC show. I knew nothing about AKC, except that I had a purebred dog. I entered my first show and we scored a 97 %. She was only 8 months old. I went on the completed her Companion Dog Title and found out she was 3rd in the nation in Ridgebacks competing. I didn’t even know that AKC kept track of how dogs did in competition! I was hooked on showing and wanted to learn more about purebred Ridgebacks. I was fortunate enough to be guided to Margaret Lowthian Cook, one of the most knowledgeable people in the country about Rhodesian Ridgebacks. I purchased my second Ridgeback from Margaret, Lamarde Perro Neema B. Nemo was a beautiful loving dog . At the age of 18 months, Critter, my first dog, became aggressive and fearful. I learned she was a “Fear Biter”, as was her mother. That breeder had paid no attention to breeding a proper temperament. It was a devastating lesson and I had to give her up. An animal trainer in Hollywood wanted her and I released her to them. I swore I would never breed a bad tempered dog and risk putting anyone through the agony that I felt from that experience. My husband and I have worked tirelessly for over 40 years to breed and raise only the finest Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and are committed to staying true to proper type( what the Ridgeback should look like) and solid, loving temperaments.